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This case study offers a brief, behind-the-scenes look into the decision-making process and testing results for graffiti removal process and protection of a 40ft high natural finished concrete wall using 4G Surface Guard

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Cal State Los Angeles new student accommodations were being completed at the very same time students were coming back to  campus. World's Best Graffiti Coating was specified for the final finish.

Johnson & Turner Painting Company applied coating to over 20, 000 square feet of brick in just two days.

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Due to the frequent rains and high level of humidity, older porous concrete is particularly susceptible to mold and mildew and over the years Olmos dam has been a been frequent target for graffiti vandalism. 

This is why The City of San Antonio was looking for answers on the best possible way to preserve and protect the dam walls and consulted with PPG Architectural team to find a suitable solution.

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Positioned on 15 contiguous acres, UHILL Walls is the driving force behind University Hill, a one of a kind mixed-use redevelopment of an abandoned strip center with award winning food, drink, wellness and residential living.

University Hill incorporates 4-story apartment building that will become home to over 300 residents and now features one of the largest concentrations of mural art in the Southeast.  University Hill is centrally located with close proximity to Duke University, downtown Durham and Chapel Hill.

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In the Summer of 2020 City Hall became a frequent target of graffiti vandalism with a permanent encampment of protestors residing across the road in Grand park.

After extensive cleaning and testing with the aid of conservation experts 4G Surface Guard & World’s Best Graffiti Coating were specified to protect all vertical surfaces susceptible to further vandalism. 

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