Graffiti Removal RSS

Understanding the different types of street signs will help you determine the vulnerability of each sign before approaching them. 

Screen printed signs that are likely to be placed in a location highly susceptible to graffiti, must be protected with a vandal film (aka protective overlay film) commonly manufactured by 3M (and other film/laminate suppliers). Once this laminate is on the sign, any of our products are suitable for cleaning.


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When using our products, shadows on porous surfaces can be avoided by ensuring the graffiti is flood coated adequately, with enough dwell time to fully dissolve the graffiti before rinsing.

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Firstly, dissolve as much as possible using Bare Brick Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover (BBSM) as instructed.

Remember longer dwell times make a huge difference. Don’t be afraid to flood coat several times and leave the product on for an hour or more or even over night before rinsing the next day. If you have a hot water pressure washer this is the time to use it! Make sure its putting out steaming hot water before you start rinsing the wall.

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Feltpen Fadeout can be used with much success on egg staining and splatter. The high sulfur content in egg yolk can turn to sulfurous acid as it dries, and if left long enough can actually strip paint from powder coated or pre-painted metal sheeting. Once dry, egg yolks can set as hard as concrete. Egg splatter does not usually affect emulsion, oil or acrylic paints. Egg staining is really only a visual problem on these surfaces as it turns grey to black marks if left untreated.

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‘Throw-up’ or ‘Slap-up’ Stickers are commonly made from postal form stickers and delivery stickers free at the USPS Stores. Stickers can be coated or uncoated and come with a variety of adhesives. You generally need to remove most of it by scraping with a metal or plastic scraper and then brushing on Sensitive Surface Graffiti Remover generously, and agitating until the adhesive begins to dissolve. 

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