ALPOLIC® has teamed with Valspar® and Graffiti Removal Services®

ALPOLIC® has teamed with Valspar® and Graffiti Removal Services®

Valspar Coil and Extrusion customers turned to  Graffiti Removal services GRS  for Graffiti Removal and protection advice and World’s Best Graffiti Removal products. GRS has been using and distributing WORLD’S BEST PRODUCT since 2007 and represents URBAN RESTORATION GROUP US INC in the north American Paint channel.


BEFORE: Spray paint graffiti markings on surface coated with Valspar ASTM-compliant coating.

DURING: Easy brush-on/wipe-off cleaing application.

AFTER: This surface was cleaned with GRS non-toxic solution and in a few minutes, looked like new with no coating damage.

Speedy, safe and accurate restoration from a trusted graffiti removal expert Valspar Coil and Extrusion has aligned with Graffiti Removal Services (GRS),a leading expert in the field of graffiti removal. GRS has beensuccessfully fighting graffiti for more than 15 years, and their expertteam will work with everyone in the Valspar value chain to quicklyoutline approved products, techniques and procedures to remove graffitifrom all building surfaces.

For more information, read Valspar's Graffiti: Addressing $12 Billion Annual and Growing Problem.