Bare Brick, Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover
Bare Brick, Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover
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See World's Best Bare Brick, Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover Medley
Large-Scale Graffiti Removal: S&N Pressure Washing completed a 30,000 square feet graffiti removal project in a downtown Los Angeles warehouse, preparing it for filming the next day.
Product Description
Bare Brick, Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover (BBSM) is a highly effective, economical, and biodegradable remover for all types of spray can paints, oil, latex, and water-based paint overspray. It is also effective on paint spill stains, grease, grime, smoke, and oil stains, as well as other marks on porous brick, stone, and concrete surfaces, including cinder block, split face block, and exposed aggregate.
Features & Benefits
- Environmentally Friendly: Go green with World's Best Graffiti Removers. BBSM Graffiti Remover is easily rinsed with a small pressure washer requiring very little rinsing water. Any resultant run-off is a readily biodegradable gray water soap that can be left to biodegrade, recycled, or further diluted for use in gardens, etc.
- No Damage or Shadows: No shadows, no damage, and no harsh scrubbing required.
- Safe & Pleasant: Pleasant smelling and nontoxic. Safe and effective to use on all types of natural stone (such as limestone, granite, and marble), stainless steel, trees, plastics, and playground equipment.
- Versatile Use: It may be used on painted surfaces as well as natural building surfaces after the first wetting surface with water.
Product Use Instructions
BBSM Graffiti Remover is applied to the surface with a nylon brush, broom or pump-up sprayer, 3 times at 3 minute intervals, liberally flooding the graffiti with the product. For typical graffiti, approximately three minutes after the final application, pressure washer (hot water is best). If one is not available then a stiff, nylon brush and bucket of water may suffice.Agitation, as you apply this product, can be of great assistance.
Continued experience with the product will enable the user to judge how many applications are necessary for varying surfaces and particular spray cans. On older/thicker graffiti, patience is the key. Keep the graffiti wet with the product, as long as possible before rinsing.
Remember, a pressure washer in this instance is used as a quick release rinse of the dissolved graffiti, and not the primary means of cleaning.
Ideally use 1500 - 2000 psi with a 15º or 25º fan jet at about 6 inches from the surface. When rinsing dissolved graffiti with a pressure washer try to remove a LITTLE of the graffiti from the bottom of the tag without wetting the whole area. If satisfied, then proceed to full scale.
Wash the whole area from top to bottom.
Remember if the remover has not done its job then no amount of ‘blasting’ will fix the problem. Failures are usually a result of not flood coating adequately and not leaving product on long enough and cannot be resolved by blasting too close or at higher pressures. Do not use ‘turbo’ type nozzles, or blast too close, as you may cause damage and will possibly only remove a small percentage more.
For further removal tips, PLUS removing graffiti from Wooden Fences, Trees, Oil Stains, Gum Residue and Smoke Damage, download technical data sheet here or visit ourExpert Advice page.
Coverage Guidelines
- Concrete, Brick, Block, or Masonry Surfaces: 1 gallon of BBSM graffiti remover will remove approximately 200 sq ft of typical graffiti.
- Sandstone, Limestone, and Other Soft Absorbent Surfaces: 1 gallon will cover approximately 80 sq ft (per 3 flood coat application).
- Painted/Coated Surfaces: Up to 1000 sq ft per gallon.
Exact coverage varies depending on type of stain and the porosity of surface material.