STEP 1 If it’s larger graffiti on painted surfaces like walls and fences, although it may be possible to remove the graffiti using our products, it is usually far quicker and easier to match the color and paint it over. Discuss tools of the trade.
STEP 2 If it’s smaller graffiti (perhaps on a painted surface) or if it’s on things that you can’t paint out, like ‘For Sale’ signs, road signs, glass, playground equipment, cars, caravans, equipment, powder coat etc., then use these two products; Sensitive Surface Graffiti Remover (or Graffiti Safewipes) and Feltpen Fadeout.
STEP 3 Most of the remaining graffiti is on concrete, bricks, block walls and stone. This is just as easily removed. Simply flood coat three times (at roughly 3 minute intervals) with ‘Bare Brick’, Stone and Masonry Graffiti Remover, wait another few minutes then rinse with a small pressure washer.