Buildings & Walls
Before & After

Bare Brick Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover / Feltpen Fadeout: Removing unsightly spray paint graffiti from split face rock building. Courtesy of City of Glendale, California.
Bare Brick Stone and Masonry Graffiti Remover: Removing black spray paint tag from AT&T Building in Spring, Texas. Courtesy of Klein Pressure Washing.

Feltpen Fadeout: Use Feltpen Fadeout for inks and dyes that stain porous masonry, brick or stone.

Sensitive Surface Graffiti Remover: Use Sensitive Surface Graffiti Remover on Shou Sugi Ban charred wood wall and wipe away with a damp towel. Courtesy of Graffiti Busters Ltd., New Zealand.
Bare Brick Stone and Masonry Graffiti Remover: Spray paint removal from 20ft high wall. Courtesy of NYC Power Wash.
Bare Brick Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: Removing graffiti from exterior building. Courtesy of City of Pasadena, CA.
Feltpen Fadeout: Removing black marker paint from outdoor space. Courtesy of Octoclean.
Sensitive Surface Remover: Removing purple spray paint tag.
Bare Brick, Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: Instead of sandblasting and potentially damaging the surface, this company removed all graffiti tags using World's Best Graffiti Removers.
Bare Brick, Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: Graffiti removal from concrete.
Bare Brick Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: Paint over removed from exposed aggregate. Courtesy of Worlds Best Graffiti Services, Adelaide.
Sensitive Surface Graffiti Remover: Removing graffiti from exterior wood panels.

Bare Brick Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: Removing red and black spray painted graffiti from concrete at a public park. Courtesy of All Clear Power Wash.
Transgel Paint and Graffiti Remover: Removing paint over from concrete steps.
Bare Brick, Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: Removing graffiti from public brick building.
Bare Brick, Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: Graffiti removal from Stucco. Courtesy of Gorilla Kleen FL.
Paint Over: Spray paint graffiti removed from concrete bridge abutment.
Bare Brick Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover and Feltpen Fadeout: Removing black spray paint shadow on split face block wall.
Bare Brick, Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: Removal of black spray paint on in situ concrete wall.
Bare Brick Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: Removal of black spray paint stencil from sandblasted cinder block. Courtesy of City of Fullerton, CA.
Bare Brick, Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: Removing super-soaker painted graffiti from brick wall. Courtesy of Graffiti Removal Services of Sacramento,CA.
Bare Brick Stone and Masonry Graffiti remover: Multi-color spray paint removed brick wall.
Bare Brick Stone and Masonry Graffiti remover: Blue spray paint removed from stone.
Bare Brick Stone and Masonry Graffiti remover and Sensitive Surface Graffiti Remover: Yellow spray paint tags removed from brick building and glass windows.
Bare Brick, Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: Graffiti Removal from vinyl fence.
Bare Brick Stone and Masonry Graffiti Remover: Spray paint removal from brick. Courtesy of RB Shipping LLC.
Bare Brick, Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: Removal of black outlined, white spray paint.
World's Best Graffiti Coating: Removing graffiti with hot water from wall previously coated with our sacrificial anti-graffiti coating.
Bare Brick Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: White spray paint removed from wood fence.
Heritage Graffiti Remover: A great example of spray can graffiti removed from blue stone random wall.
Bare Brick, Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: Removal of graffiti vandalism from highway wall. Courtesy of Gorilla Kleen, FL.
Sensitive Surface Graffiti Remover: Removing red spray paint tags from this home.
Bare Brick Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: Tag successfully removed from basket range sandstone.
Bare Brick Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: Removal of massive spray paint graffiti on I5 freeway Los Angeles, CA.
Bare Brick, Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: Removing spray paint graffiti on blonde brick building.
Bare Brick, Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: Removing Black spray paint from white brick.
Heritage Graffiti Remover & Feltpen Fadeout: This tag and ink stain on a historic monument in Sacramento, CA was removed.
Bare Brick Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: Removing graffiti from exposed aggregate. Courtesy of Worlds Best Removal Adelaide.
Bare Brick Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover: Spray paint graffiti removed from historic brick warehouse.
Bare Brick, Stone & Masonry Graffiti Remover and Sensitive Surface Graffiti Remover: Graffiti removal from red brick and aluminum garage door.
Bare Brick Stone and Masonry Graffiti Remover: Sequence of removal of graffiti from natural stone retail facade.